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Pilates Breathing exercises

Pilates Exercises and Cues to Improve Breathing

teaching skills Aug 05, 2019

When we combine movement with deep breathing, we feel a sensation that Joseph Pilates called an "internal shower". Maybe you've noticed it in exercises like the Hundred. The whole body warms up and feels energized. This is one of the many reasons we feel so great after class.

Deep breathing is linked to decreased stress, improved circulation, and can even help engage our muscles. With benefits like these, it's a skill worth improving, isn't it? 

Pilates can help us learn to fully inflate our lungs and expand our rib cage in all three directions: up and down, side to side, and front to back.


Anterior-Posterior Breathing (Front to Back) 

This type of breathing is particularly important for people with a flat thoracic spine (hypokyphosis).

Anterior Breathing
  • In a seated or standing position, place your hands onto your upper chest (your sternum) and feel it lift on the inhalation (without arching your back/extending your spine).
Posterior Breathing


Side-to-Side or Lateral Breathing 

  • This type of breathing is particularly important for people with Hyperkyphosis.
  • Place your hands to the sides of your rib cage and breathe into your hands.
  • Lie sideways over a spine corrector or a Franklin ball and focus on expanding the top side on the inhalation.
  • The best exercise to improve lateral breathing is without a doubt the Mermaid.


Vertical (up and down) Breathing

  • Well, it's basically axial elongation. Think of reaching the crown of your head up towards the ceiling as your tailbone stretches down towards the floor. It's a vertical two-way stretch along your midline.


Breathing on the Cadillac (Trapeze Table)

Seeing how this exercise is called "Breathing", it should be the perfect choice, correct? But why? 


To see even more exercises and cues to improve breathing, check out the Pilates Protocols chapter of the Pilates Encyclopedia member library. You'll even get videos and detailed instructions for each exercise! Learn more...


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