Virtual Teaching Setup Tips for Pilates Teachers and Studio Owners
Apr 07, 2020I hope you all are doing well despite the fact that we're all staying at home but we're making the best of it.
I have asked my good friends from The Pilates Studio in Hadley, Massachusetts here on a call with me today. They have a brick and mortar studio which they had to close during the coronavirus pandemic.
Like many of you, they have transitioned to teaching online, and they offered to share with you how they have set up their space for virtually streaming their Pilates classes.
Hopefully, it'll be helpful for you if you're still figuring out how to best do this.
Without much further ado here are Katrina, Laurie, and Mark who are also The Pilates Business Pros.
A few of the takeaways were:
- They charge a monthly membership of $100 and stream 3 classes per day.
- Mark the space of your tripod legs on the floor with painting tape to save time setting everything up again (should you have to move your tripod).
- Use your Reformer carriage as a dolly or an old fashion zoom. How cool is that!
- What students are buying is not the class. They're buying the connection to people that they know, like, and trust and they get that support. They could go somewhere else, but they don't want to do that because they want to stick with their community. (Take a look at my interview with Theres Hergott from Pilates im Hof who had the same experience.)
- Many people feel lonely and it's nice to keep in touch with everyone.
- It's been helpful for us to hear what people actually need. What we think that they need or want is often different from what they actually want.
If you need help with your setup, please get in touch with Mark Firehammer at The Pilates Business Pros. They will help you get ready for online streaming via a two-hour online meeting.
I'd love to hear about your experience switching to online teaching. Shoot me an email.
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